
Friday, October 28, 2016

This is my first writing in te reo maori I used a table to gather the words I need to use in my writing and a table to put the important information like who what when where and why in my recount writing

He Tuhinga Taki.
EA3 tuhi he tuhinga Taki o tetahi kaupapa

Mahia nga kupu timata rerenga kōrero - He, ko, Ka, I
Mahia nga kupu mahi (verbs)
Mahia nga kupu kare-a roto o te mahi, te purini hoki (your feelings to describe)
Mahia nga kupu wā - inanahi
Mahia nga kupu hou -
Mahia he mahere hei te mahi i nga kupu.

Tuhituhi in each box words you can use in your  recount writing
I nahea?
I aha?
Ko wai?
I hea?
He aha ai?

Cook desserts

purini tunu

Room 4 students

ngā ākonga ruma wha

Kura takawaenga
For technology

hoki te hangarau

Te Tapanga - Tunu Purini Kei te Hangarau

Kohia nga  kupu hei te awhi i a koutou i tou tuhinga,
Write words in each of the categories to use in your recount writing. Whakamaoritia nga kupu.
Kupu Mahi
Kupu wāmua
Kare-o roto
Kupu Wā
Kupu hou
Kupu Ahua

purini tunu

He Tauira -
i runga i te Wenerei ka haere ahau ki te Kaikohe takawaenga mō te hangarau i hangarau tunua i te purini me te purini tunua i ko banoffee porowhita, aporo akaaiteia me parai apple.I hoki i ki tuhituhi toku whakaaro me toku recipes.Then i i ki te mahi rīhi.

Turkish Baklava and Custard Rolls

Natural disasters

                                              Mount Tarawera Eruption
Mount Tarawera is currently a sleeping volcano situated in the north island in Rotorua.

Mountains or hills typically conical having a crater or vent through which lava,rock fragments,hot vapour and gas are or have been erupted from the earth's crust

The Mount Tarawera eruption lasted six hours and caused massive destruction.several villages were destroyed along with the most famous  silica hot springs known as the Pink and White Terraces. Approximately 120 people, nearly all Māori, lost their lives.Early hours of June 10th 1886 people awoke from their slumber to the sound of lightning,earthquakes and fountains of molten rock.

Cloud of smoke and ash up to 10 km high people as far as blenheim heard the terrifying noise of the mount Tarawera eruption some thought it was a attack by an Russian warship which had recently visited Wellington.A 17-km-long rift split Mount Tarawera and extended as far south as Waimangu. The land was covered with millions of tonnes of ash and remains of rubbish and bodies.lakes were transformed and bushes were flattened.The eruption ended at dawn the ash made the day as dark as night.

The pink and white terraces were destroyed Rotorua’s tourist attraction was destroyed people were killed and badly injured citizens of Rotorua were devastated of what had happened.